World Repository - Map of Key Business-Policy Integrated Best Practices

Version 2 August, by ST and RK , 2017

This page is dedicated to the production of a map of key business-policy integrated best practices regarding eco-innovation knowledge transfers that, taking into account geographical, social, policy, economic features and conditions, which will guide knowledge transfers and reciprocal learning in different and evolving contexts.
This is a worldwide map of business/policy practices based on sector and geographical considerations which can be a useful output that identifies barriers to eco-innovations, drivers and promising ways to promote the integration of sustainability and competitiveness. The map assures the adherence to concrete real world situations that vary across the diverse EU relationships with other countries and sectors. It is meant as a bottom up evidence and creation of key facts rather than a top down application of the same model to different conditions.

The three main channels of eco-innovation knowledge transfer considered in this map are:
1. transfer via European trade of green technologies — embodied green knowledge;
2. international transfer of EU green intellectual property rights — disembodied green knowledge;
3. export of environmental regulation, through which European standards and regulations are imitated elsewhere. is a Co-ordination and Support Action (CSA), funded through Horizon 2020, the European Union's Framework Programme for Research & Innovation, under Grant Agreement No. 641974.